Remember, TOP colleges are looking for EXTRAORDINARY individuals -- not ordinary ones. They are looking for kids who are different from the norm -- the true learners, movers, shakers, and doers. They are looking for INNOVATORS, LEADERS, SCIENTISTS, EXPLORERS, THINKERS, and HARD WORKERS. They are looking for people full of grit, passion, hope, courage, generosity, and a distinct desire to BE SOMEONE GREAT.
-- Excerpt from 28 Ways to Stand Out, Get Noticed, and (Hopefully) Get Into Top Colleges by Katy Huller |

To get into TOP colleges, you are going to have to be more than ordinary; you are going to have to be EXTRAORDINARY. You are going to have to STAND OUT from all of the other highly qualified applicants vying for YOUR acceptance letter by being different somehow, BETTER. After all, thousands of straight-A students with near-perfect test scores get rejected from the Ivies every year. Why? They simply weren't extraordinary enough. Yes, they were SMART, but TOP colleges want more than smart. They want EXCELLENCE -- kids who not only love to learn but who DO impressive things. Kids who are extremely passionate, highly motivated, deeply engaged, naturally curious, remarkably accomplished, and generally personable.
If you are going to make the cut and get into a TOP college, you are going to have to prove that you are more than just a nice kid with great grades and uncannily-high test scores who was moderately involved in a bunch of random clubs and activities during high school. That's almost EVERYONE who dares to apply to TOP colleges! Rather, you are going to have to show that you are AWESOME in some special way, that you know something, do something, or stand for something that puts you light years beyond the thousands of other high performing kids your age.
So get BUSY! Don't let your high school years slip away. Think about your goals and dreams, your interests and talents, and start USING THEM to MAKE A DIFFERENCE today! Need help coming up with ideas? Get a copy of 28 Ways to Stand Out, Get Noticed, and (Hopefully) Get Into Top Colleges!
Wishing you all the best and much success,
Katy Huller
If you are going to make the cut and get into a TOP college, you are going to have to prove that you are more than just a nice kid with great grades and uncannily-high test scores who was moderately involved in a bunch of random clubs and activities during high school. That's almost EVERYONE who dares to apply to TOP colleges! Rather, you are going to have to show that you are AWESOME in some special way, that you know something, do something, or stand for something that puts you light years beyond the thousands of other high performing kids your age.
So get BUSY! Don't let your high school years slip away. Think about your goals and dreams, your interests and talents, and start USING THEM to MAKE A DIFFERENCE today! Need help coming up with ideas? Get a copy of 28 Ways to Stand Out, Get Noticed, and (Hopefully) Get Into Top Colleges!
Wishing you all the best and much success,
Katy Huller